Sengoku Otome - Ashikaga Joshiteru (Black) / 足利ヨシテル [黒] Theme Win 8/8.1 by Enji Riz Lazuardi
Sengoku Otome - Ashikaga Joshiteru (Black) / 足利ヨシテル [黒] Theme Win 8/8.1 by Enji Riz Lazuardi . Hello everyone, welcome back to Themes-Animeku Blog. Today I want to share my new anime theme for windows 8/8.1 users. Name is theme is Sengoku Otome - Ashikaga Joshiteru (Black) / 足利ヨシテル [黒] Theme Windows 8/8.1 by Enji Riz Lazuardi. You can download this theme free, but please don't forget to support Themes-Animeku Blog by donation. With your donation I keep make more anime theme and keep Themes-Animeku Blog alive. Ok, now let's see the description of theme. DESCRIPTION Name : Sengoku Otome - Ashikaga Joshiteru (Black) / 足利ヨシテル [黒] Character : Ashikaga Joshiteru (Black) / 足利ヨシテル [黒] Type File : .exe OS : Windows 8/8.1 Test : Windows 8/8.1 Professional 64-bit Result : Working Blog : Themes-Animeku Facebook : FB/ErLazuardi Uploaded : Enji Riz Lazuardi Author : Enji Riz Lazuardi SCREENSHOOTS DOWNLOAD/SUPPORT Link via : Google Drive | Medifire Do...